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BioDiT Citrus: Exhibit 04: Introduction to Ecology


The Citrus Campus Biodiversity Trail is all about two things -- biodiversity and ecology.  Before you go any further, its a good idea to become a bit more familiar with what ecology is as a science.  Take a moment to read the poster and watch the video below, which will introduce you to ecology as a science and which topics from ecology will be covered in the various BioDiT Citrus exhibits.   

Videos are automatically muted.  Make sure to unmute so you can hear the sounds!

Location and Directions

To get to Exhibit 5:

Face away from the doors to C-4.  Walk to the dais and down the steps and continue down the sidewalk toward C-3.  Exhibit 5 will be on your left after the second set of steps.
If you are unable to navigate the steps follow the alternate path on the GIF below.