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Citing Literary Criticism Sources: Anthologies: Novel Citations

This guide covers citing literary criticism sources in the MLA citation style.


Burleson, Donald.  "Major Literary Influences on Lovecraft."  H. P. Lovecraft: A Critical Study.  Greenwood Press, 1983.  pp. 213-


Campbell, Donna.  "The Critical Reception of Jack London."  Critical Insights: Jack London.  Edited by Lawrence Berkove.  Salem Press-

EBSCO Publishing, 2012. pp. 96-115. 

Christian, Barbara.  "Novels for Everyday Use."  Alice Walker: Critical Perspectives Past and Present.  Edited by Henry Louis Gates and K.A.Appiah.  Amistad, 1993.  pp. 50-104. 

Egan, James.  "Stephen King's Gothic Melodrama."  Readings on Stephen King.  Edited by Karin Coddon.  Greenhaven Press-Gale

       Group-Thomson Learning Inc., 2004. pp. 107-122. 

Johnson, Edgar.  "A Christmas Carol and the Economic Man."  Readings on a Christmas Carol.  Edited by Jill Karson.  Greenhaven

Press, 2000.  pp. 83-90.

Proudfit, Charles.  "Celie's Search for Identity: A Psychoanalytic Developmental Reading of Alice Walker's The Color Purple."  Alice Walker's

The Color Purple.  Edited by Harold Bloom.  Bloom's Literary Criticism-Infobase Publishing, 2008.  pp. 89-112. 

Roazen, Paul.  "Orwell, Freud and 1984."  George Orwell's 1984.  Edited by Harold Bloom.  Chelsea House Publishers-Haights CrossCommunications, 1987.  pp. 19-34. 


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This page was created by Liz Minnerly.  It was last updated on 11 May 2017.  For questions, email Liz at