Hiles, Jane. "Jane Hiles on Kinship and Heredity in "Barn Burning."" Bloom's Major Short Story Writers: William Faulkner. Edited by Harold Bloom.
Chelsea House Publishers-Main Line Book Co., 1999. pp. 80-81.
Howells, Coral Ann. "Cat's Eye: Creating a Symbolic Space Out of Lost Time." Modern Critical Views: Margaret Atwood. Edited by Harold Bloom.
Chelsea House Publishers-Main Line Book Co., 2000. pp. 173-189.
"Johnny Mnemonic." Short Stories for Students. Edited by Ira Mark Milne. Vol. 26. Gale-Cengage Learning, 2008. pp. 124-133.
Mellow, James. "James R. Mellow on Hawthorne's Veil." Bloom's Major Short Story Writers: Nathaniel Hawthorne. Edited by Harold Bloom. Chelsea
House Publishers-Haights Cross Communications, 2001. pp. 29-30.
This page was created by Liz Minnerly. It was last updated on 11 May 2017. For questions, email Liz at minnerll@cf.edu.