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Citing Literary Criticism Sources: Anthologies: Poetry Citations

This guide covers citing literary criticism sources in the MLA citation style.


Andrews, Terry.  "Mending Wall."  Masterplots II: Poetry Series.  Edited by Philip Jason.  Vol. 5.  Salem Press, 2002.  pp. 2453-2455. 

DeGaut, Yasmin.  "The Poetry of Maya Angelou: Liberation Ideology and Technique."  Bloom's Modern Critical Views: Maya Angelou.  Edited by Harold Bloom. 

         Bloom's Literary Criticism-Infobase Publishing, 2009. pp. 121-132.

King, Bruce.  "Ode on a Grecian Urn."  Poetry for Students.  Edited by Marie Napierkowski and Mary Ruby.  Vol.1.  Gale Research, 1998.  pp. 188-191. 

Thrall, William. Addison Hibbard and C. Hugh Holman.  "What is a Sonnet?"  Readings on the Sonnets.  Edited by Clarice Swisher.  Greenhaven Press,

         1997.  pp. 36-38. 

"To His Coy Mistress."  Poetry Criticism.  Edited by Michelle Lee.  Vol. 86.   Gale-Cengage Learning, 2008.  pp. 171-172.  

Whalley, George.  "The Mariner and the Albatross."  Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.  Edited by James D. Boulger. 

          Prentice-Hall, 1969.  pp. 73-91.

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This page was created by Liz Minnerly.  It was last updated on 11 May 2017.  For questions, email Liz at