The online catalog offers interlibrary loan (ILL) borrowing and the UBORROW feature, a statewide catalog that includes more than 150 libraries from which CF students, staff, and faculty can search for resources held by other institutions. Contact the Library to learn more.
Find books using our Online Library Catalog by entering your search term/s and limiting to "Books in the Library" on the search results page (top-left navigation). Once you find a book, you can request it for pickup ("Place a Hold") or you can find the book on the shelf using its call number. Be sure to write down the complete call number before trying to locate a book on the shelf.
Books are arranged on the shelves in the library by subject. We use the Library of Congress Classification System to assign call numbers to our materials so that materials on similar topics are next to each other on the shelves and patrons and staff can easily find what they need.
If you'd like to browse our shelves, use these call number ranges to find books on the subject of chemistry:
QD1 - 65 Chemistry (General)
QD71 - 142 Analytical Chemistry
QD146 - 197 Inorganic Chemistry
QD241 - 441 Organic Chemistry
QD415 - 436 Biochemistry
QD450 - 801 Physical & Theoretical Chemistry
QD625 - 655 Radiation Chemistry
QD701 - 731 Photo-chemistry
QD901 - 999 Crystallography