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CSE Citation Style: CSE Sample References Page

This citation guide is primarily for Karen Stancil's Biology classes.

References Page

References [Or Cited References]

Andreadis A. 1998. To seek out new life: the biology of Star Trek. New York: Crown Publishers. 273 p.

Bailey R. 2009 Dec. 9. Regina’s biology blog. Biology. <>. Accessed 2009 Dec. 9.

[BLS] Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2007 Dec 18. Biological scientists. Occupational outlook handbook, 2008-09 edition. <>. Accessed 2009 Nov 19.

Coker JS. 2009 May. Reinventing life: introductory biology for a rapidly evolving world, science educa-tion programs. The Am Biology Teacher 71 (5): 281-284. Science Resource Center. <>. Accessed 2009 Nov 19.

Forbes N. 2004. Imitation of life: how biology is inspiring computing. Cambridge (MA): MIT Pr. 171 p.

Hart LA, Wood, MW, Hart, BL. 2008. Why dissection? Animal use in education. Westport, CT: Green-wood Pr. p 225. LINCCWeb. <>. Accessed 2009 Nov 19.

Hrabchak C, Ringuette M, Woodhouse K. 2008 Dec. Recombinant mouse SPARC promotes parietal endo-derm differentiation and cardiomyogenesis in embryoid bodies. Biochem and Cell Biology 86 (6): 487-499. Biological & Agricultural Index Plus. <>. Accessed 2009 Nov 4.

Kasting JF, Brown LL. 1998. The early atmosphere as a source of biogenic compounds. In Brack A, editor. The molecular origins of life: Assembling pieces of the puzzle. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Pr. 35-56.

Margulis L, Dolan M. 2002. Early life: Evolution on the Precambrian Earth. Sudbury (MA): Jones & Bart-lett. 168 p.

Montague PR. 2008 Jul. 22. Freewill. Current Biology 18 (14): R584-R585. <>. Accessed 2009 Dec. 9.

O’Driscoll C. 2009 Sep 14. Ready to divide and conquer. Chem & Indus 17: 24-6. Applied Science and Technology Full Text. <>. Accessed 2009 Nov 4.

Raval CN. 2008. Clinical trials within U.S.: heart disease. In Svendsen CN, Ebert AD, editors. Encyclope-dia of stem cell research. Vol. 1. Los Angeles: SAGE. 121-126.

[UA] The University of Arizona. 2004 Jul. The biology project. <>. Accessed 2010 Jan. 25.