The Reed collection has over 500 SciFi and Fantasy books. Many of the authors and stories in the collection are considered part of the Golden Ages of SciFi and Fantasy, with a selection of their names and pen names noted in this libguide. There are extensive series featuring jungle explorers and defenders, detectives and daredevils, space explorers and sky pirates, and countless other characters.
There are also series for magicians, wizards, witches, and other magic users set in many fantasy lands. These lands may be home to fantastic creatures, or where the population performs powerful prestidigitation (or just cast spells at each other). Other books may feature epic quests, danger in disguise, scheming villains, and familiar fairy tales featuring fencing, fighting, escapes, torture, true love, and miracles!1
Florida authors and editors who are featured include Piers Anthony, Lin Carter, and anthology giant Martin H. Greenberg.
Many books and authors in the collection have been the subject of scholarly articles and biographies. These articles may explore a book's themes, characters, symbolism, and other information. Full-text, peer-reviewed, scholarly articles are available to current CF students, faculty, and staff. They can be accessed through the library databases here.
1) Plus an homage or two to The Princess Bride: S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure, The "Good Parts" Version by William Goldman.
The language used in the past to describe events, people, locations, etc. does not always reflect language that is considered acceptable today. The books within library collections may contain such language and do so to remain historically accurate. Many are a reflection of the time they were first written and/or published in, and serve as a measure for how far we have come in understanding ourselves and others.
The Reed collection holds a near-complete collection of works by Piers Anthony.
Anthony, a humorist writer, lives in and is inspired by Florida. His most famous series is set in the fictional land of Xanth, which resembles the state of Florida in shape. Xanth is a land of puns, with many of the titles and locations inspired by common phrases filtered through a humorous lens (Centaur Aisle, Isle of View, Faun & Games, etc.) As of 2022, the Xanth series contains 46 novels, with others planned for future publication.
Anthony has also collaborated with many authors and illustrators, writing over 40 novels.
Anthony does not plan to stop writing.