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National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

A guide with information about National Novel Writing Month, plus information about CF Citrus Campus writing events

Sign up for Nanowrimo

(Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month. Click image to visit the official NaNoWriMo website)

Words from Chris Baty, founder of  National Novel Writing Month

  • "Give someone an enormous task, a supportive community, and a friendly-yet-firm due date, and miracles will happen."
  • (about the 1st rough draft) “In the context of novel writing, this means you should lower the bar from 'best-seller' to 'would not make someone vomit.' Exuberant imperfection encourages you to write uncritically, to experiment, to break your time-honored rules of writing just to see what happens. In a first draft, nothing is permanent, and everything is fixable. So stay loose and flexible, and keep your expectations very, very low.”

Nanowrimo Sign up Steps

  1. Go to
  2. Click the “Sign Up” button
  3. Click the boxes for “Agree to Terms” and “I am Human”
  4. Click Sign Up and you're ready!

Sign up with an email address, Facebook, or Google Account

“My NaNoWriMo” provides (note - Nanowrimo under construction. some links may be temporarily unavailable):

  • Stats (track your wordcount. it starts November 1)
  • Profile (about you)
  • Projects (what you are working on)
  • Buddies, Groups, Home Region
    • Buddies - your Nanowrimo friends!
    • Groups - add writing groups and messages
    • Home Region - find stuff in your area like writers’ groups, events, etc.

“Writer’s Resources”

  • NaNoWriMo (customize your personal writing challenge) 
    • Ex. standard Nano is 50,000 words, but John Smith writes poetry so he picked 4,000 words for a goal (about 134 words a day)
  • Camp NaNo (pick your preferred time of year, customize challenges)
  • NaNo Prep (time to prep a story outline, characters, etc. typically takes place in October)