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Catalog Homepage

At the catalog homepage, SIGN-IN at the top right corner of the page.

  • This action will allow you to view, and save full-text articles, and e-books available.

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Search Box

The library's online catalog allows you to search for books, e-books, DVDs, videos, and other items related to your topic. START your search with the search box.

Searching Tips

  • Keywords: Keep keywords to a minimum. Books and e-books deal with broad topics.
  • Filters: Use the filters located below the search box, to narrow results by format, title or author, etc. 

image of the search box and filters at the catalog homepage


Ocala Campus Library

Located in the 2nd floor of the Learning Resources Center in Building 3

CF Library utilizes the Library of Congress Classification System (LCC) to organize materials by subject. 

What is a Call Number? A call number is considered the items' address within the library; an item's call number is usually located in the spine.

  • Keep this in mind when browsing the stacks; you may find other materials under the same subject located in the same area.
  • Below is an image of books with call number tags.

books with call number tags

Print & Online Resources 



  • The library's book collection is divided between the reference collection, and the circulating collection.
  • The reference collection is available to be viewed in-house only, and items in the circulating collection are available to be checked out.


  • DVDs in the collection are available to check out. Titles include both documentaries, and feature films.


  • Newspapers, magazines, and journals are located in the area in front of the reference desk. Titles include popular magazines for browsing, trade journals, and more.


E- Books

  • The library has over 150,000 e-Books available to be read online from any location.
  • Go to the library catalog to search for titles; you will need to sign in with your CF username and password to access e-Books.

Streaming Videos

  • Films on Demand, Swank Digital Campus, Gale Interactive: Human Anatomy, and Nursing and Mental Health in Video, are among some of the library's main providers for media resources. 
  • At the library catalog, select Databases List; filter for Streaming Videos in the Types drop-down menu.

Scholarly Databases

  • Most of the library's scholarly journals are available via the Library Catalog- Access HERE, and it's numerous academic databases.
  • Use scholarly databases to locate articles, peer-reviewed journals and articles. 
  • Some databases that provide content besides articles are PrepStep, which include practice tests and tutorials.
  • To go directly to a specific database, go to the Database List tab at the top of the catalog homepage; Once in the A-Z Database List, click on the desired database title.

Database Search Strategies

1. Divide your topic into concepts and/or subject phrases.

  • Search databases produce results when keywords, or subject phrases are entered.
  • Link keywords using the words: and, or, and not; these words are called Boolean Operators.

2. Make a list of synonyms, and related terms; add or edit the list as you search.

  • Be aware that a set of keywords might work well in one database, and in another database, those same keywords will retrieve few to no results.
  • Translate those terms when needed; this is where your list of related terms will come in handy.

3. Find database-specific language.

  • As you search, look at the words that appear in the results list, and in the detailed description of an article that you find useful.
  • In an item’s details page, you will find headings labeled such as: subjects, subject headings, or descriptors; these synonyms/related terms are the specific vocabulary used by that database to describe your search terms.

4. Use online searching shortcut techniques.

  • Use quotation marks, Boolean Operators, truncation (asterisk), and/or parantheses to combine search strings. View examples below. 

Tips & Tricks

Boolean Operators: combine keywords using the words: and, or, not.

  • AND: Narrows your search by returning results that contain your specific keywords.

            Ex: Standardized testing AND public schools

  • OR: Broadens the search by returning results that contain either or both search terms.

             Ex: Virtual learning OR distance education OR Online learning

  • NOT: Excludes results with the search term that follows the word not. The order of your search terms matter when utilizing the word not.

             Ex: Saturn NOT planet

Parantheses : Use parantheses to combine search strings.

  • (adult students OR nontraditional students) AND (rural OR nonurban) 

Quotation Marks: use quotation marks to search for exact phrases.

  • "first generation" 

Asterisk (also known as Truncation): enter the root of at term, and replace the ending with an *

  • Librar* - the system will find results with library, librarian, libraries, librarianship, etc.