Database Search Strategies
1. Divide your topic into concepts and/or subject phrases.
- Search databases produce results when keywords, or subject phrases are entered.
- Link keywords using the words: and, or, and not; these words are called Boolean Operators.
2. Make a list of synonyms, and related terms; add or edit the list as you search.
- Be aware that a set of keywords might work well in one database, and in another database, those same keywords will retrieve few to no results.
- Translate those terms when needed; this is where your list of related terms will come in handy.
3. Find database-specific language.
- As you search, look at the words that appear in the results list, and in the detailed description of an article that you find useful.
- In an item’s details page, you will find headings labeled such as: subjects, subject headings, or descriptors; these synonyms/related terms are the specific vocabulary used by that database to describe your search terms.
4. Use online searching shortcut techniques.
- Use quotation marks, Boolean Operators, truncation (asterisk), and/or parantheses to combine search strings. View examples below.
Tips & Tricks
Boolean Operators: combine keywords using the words: and, or, not.
- AND: Narrows your search by returning results that contain your specific keywords.
Ex: Standardized testing AND public schools
- OR: Broadens the search by returning results that contain either or both search terms.
Ex: Virtual learning OR distance education OR Online learning
- NOT: Excludes results with the search term that follows the word not. The order of your search terms matter when utilizing the word not.
Ex: Saturn NOT planet
Parantheses : Use parantheses to combine search strings.
- (adult students OR nontraditional students) AND (rural OR nonurban)
Quotation Marks: use quotation marks to search for exact phrases.
Asterisk (also known as Truncation): enter the root of at term, and replace the ending with an *
Librar* - the system will find results with library, librarian, libraries, librarianship, etc.