Enrollment at CF covers access to any CF Library Location. Continue using our library while taking classes at other CF campuses, plus online CF courses.
Located at CF Citrus Campus Bldg. 2, 2nd floor
Items may be used by current CF students, faculty, and staff.
Students may watch films, play classic tabletop games, or enjoy video games
Computers are available in Windows or MAC. Includes access to the full Microsoft Office Suite, Office 365, MyCF courses, Library Catalog and Databases, and internet.
Cozy personal study pods with
Pay for print/copy system.
Accepts credit, debit, and apple pay.
A variety of technology for students, faculty, and staff!
Great for in person or virtual discussions, in groups or single study.
The mediascape connects up to 4 laptops or other devices, allowing users to mirror their screens.
Available 24/7 anywhere with internet. Read scholarly peer-reviewed articles and journals. Request items from other libraries. Browse information guides.
Borrow and request books from us or other libraries.
Examine 3D dissections, zoom, rotate & separate anatomical structures. Choose sessions based on body system or region of the body. Create 3D printable models.
Examples of help and information provided:
Many library items may be borrowed for offsite use. Some are only available for use in the library.
Please see library staff to borrow item(s).
The following is a short list of items available. More are being added.
Enrollment at CF covers library use at all CF campuses. All current CF students are welcome to visit the CF Citrus Campus Library and enjoy our services.
We serve all current CF students, including:
Employment at CF covers library use at all CF campuses. All current CF faculty and staff are welcome to visit the CF Citrus Campus Library and enjoy our services.
We serve all current CF faculty and staff, including:
Library Tours available for:
Computers at CF Citrus Campus Library:
Each Windows computer has:
Current CF students may use the library's printer/coper machine during open hours. All library and tutoring computers are connected to the printer/copier.
All payments need to be made electronically.
More information is available on the FAQs tab, including:
WiFi at CF may be accessed by current CF students, faculty, and staff. A temporary log in may be requested by guest speakers, etc.
Connect to WiFi by:
Enter full website address: https://portal.myweblogon.com:9443
Sign in for Guests and Future Students:
Use a library computer to check your email for login information.
Library Catalog and Discovery Tool
24/7 access anywhere with internet.
Use the Library Catalog and Discovery Tool to find and view Books, eBooks, eVideos, DVDs, Journals, Newspapers, and Scholarly/Peer-reviewed Articles.
Remember to login via MyCF or click sign-in on the Library Catalog website.
Request and borrow items from our Library and others worldwide, including other CF library locations, local public or academic libraries, and libraries from around the world.
CF Library has over 100 databases devoted to millions of topics. The databases may be accessed from a patron's device, through any available internet. Databases contain articles and journals. Many of these are scholarly, peer-reviewed, and are available in full text.
Database subjects
For easier viewing, our databases are grouped into the following main subjects. Many other subjects are available.
The Citrus Campus Library has two rooms, plus multiple tables and personal cozy pods for studying and coursework.
All areas are:
All study rooms are equipped with white boards and media stations. Students may also borrow large portal whiteboards for use anywhere in library. Headphones and webcams with microphones may be provided by library staff.
Current CF students may book study rooms on the same day, or up to 2 weeks in advance.
Walk in and enjoy the library's cozy pods. Library pods are perfect for people looking for a cozy spot to study, relax, or recharge. Pods are encircled on 3 sides by frosted lining, adding to their privacy. Each pod is equipped with 2 power outlets, a cubby space for personal items, and adjustable tabletop. Footrests are available with select pods. |
Click here to book a study room.
Current CF students, staff, and faculty may book Citrus Library study rooms. Rooms may be booked in advance or just before use.
All study rooms are equipped with white boards, markers, and media stations. Extra whiteboards and markers are available to borrow.
All study rooms may be used for online CF class meetings.
Tables are open areas that are multi-use.
Patrons may walk in and use tables to read, organize materials or projects, and more.
Several tables are set up as relaxation stations. Patrons may enjoy games of chess and checkers, word search, coloring pages, or piece together a puzzle. More games and puzzles are available in the library's Innovation Center.
Each table has 4 outlets available for charging equipment.
Printed / Hands-on Books:
Over 73,000 print books are available to read or borrow. Titles are frequently added to our collections.
Patrons may:
Spaces are available for patrons to relax and page through books before borrowing.
If a patron decides not to borrow a book, the patron may place it on our "Just Looking" cart, or leave the book(s) where they were reading. Library staff reshelve any items patrons decide not to borrow.
Current CF students, staff, and faculty may request books from CF library locations, plus local, national, and global libraries.
Over 100,000 ebooks are available to read on laptops, tablets, and other eDevices. Titles are frequently added to our collections.
EBooks may be accessed through the library's online catalog. The collection is available on and off-campus, anywhere a patron's device has internet. EBooks may also be viewed on any library computer.
Many ebooks have an audio option.
Streaming Videos (eVideos, electronic videos, etc.)
The streaming electronic video collection has 80,000 available to view, with more videos added all the time.
Streaming videos may be accessed through the library's online catalog. The collection may be available on and off-campus, anywhere a patron's device has internet. Streaming videos may be viewed on any library computer.
Academic Journals may be found on the Library Databases. These items discuss a variety of subjects and topics. Journals typically contain academic, peer reviewed, scholarly articles.
Access to journals is covered by enrollment or employment at CF. Journals may be viewed by current CF students, faculty, and staff.
Newspapers are available in print or electronic format. Print editions may be read in the library. Electronic editions may be accessed 24/7 by anyone currently enrolled or employed at CF.
Current print newspapers include:
Electronic newspapers may be accessed through the library databases. A full list of newspapers is available in the library databases.
Historical archives of select newspapers are available in electronic format.
Scholarly, peer-reviewed, full-text articles may be accessed by current CF students, faculty, and staff. Access to articles is covered by current enrollment or employment at CF.
24/7 access available anywhere with internet.
Magazines are available in print or electronic format. Print editions may be read in the library. Electronic editions may be accessed 24/7 by anyone currently enrolled or employed at CF.
Videos are available in dvd, bluray, or streaming format.
Blurays and DVDs may be borrowed for off-campus viewing for one week. Current CF students, staff, and faculty may request blurays or DVDs from CF library locations, plus local, national, and global libraries.
Five bluray or DVDs may be borrowed at one time.
Active borrowed titles will show on a patron's library MyAccount, under the borrowed slots. To free up slots and borrow more videos, patrons may return their borrowed videos to any CF Library location.
Video viewing stations are available at all CF Library locations.
Library MyAccount:
Current CF students, faculty, and staff automatically get a Library MyAccount by enrolling or being employed at CF. A Library MyAccount enables patrons to borrow materials from any CF Library location at no cost.
The MyAccount auto-activates on a student's first week of classes and lasts through the student's time at CF. After graduation, a student may become an alumni and continue using CF library locations.
Patrons may borrow items from any CF Library location during their time at CF.
MyAccount features include:
Borrow items for onsite or off-campus use from any CF Library. For current CF students, staff, and faculty.
Students Borrow:
Faculty, Adjuncts, and Staff Borrow: