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DnD Recap Spring 2024

The Adventures of DnD Spring 2024:

Previously, our adventures included...

2/2/24 D&D Kickoff: A Fellowship Formed!

Captain Fellbane hired the party to complete two tasks:

  1. destroy or bring back whatever was polluting the nearby landscape in order to stop the necrotic energies from spreading to neighboring villages
  2. destroy the six pillars that were contributing to the main cause of the necrotic energies

The party went off into the blighted land. There, they encountered a pillar surrounded by robed figures. Upon dispatching the robed figures a message was revealed as well as key hole. With no key the party moved on.

They spotted a fortified encampment, a small camp, and a cave in the center. They chose the cave. Inside, the party found the old form of a warforged soldier, with a green glowing relic behind it on top of a pedestal. When a party member grabbed the relic, the old warrior awoke to face the party.

The party managed to defeat the mighty warrior. But then necrotic energy surged inside the warrior’s metal shell, leaving behind only an undead husk. The husk was intent on retrieving the source of necrotic power and attacked!

2/9/24 Clear the Necrotic Zone

With the former warrior behind them, the party runs from their slow adversary. Once they escape, they decided to investigate the fortified encampment for their missing key.

One Battle Later…

The party loots the encampment, find many useful items, and the key they were searching for. Now they can return to the pillar’s keyhole. At the pillar the party defeat the warforged and collect proof for captain Fellbane. They also get the halberd of the warforged soldier. 

Travelling, the party watches a group of undead slay the warforged’s corrupted husk. A light travels from the slain warforged into the halberd. A party member successfully attunes to the halberd so it can be used in future conflicts. The attuned halberd shrinks to a size the party can wield. Another member also links to her new sword.

With the party’s new gear they return to captain Fellbane, hand over the relic, and receive their rewards before going home.

Loot the Ruined Temple Introduction

A month passes, and each member of the party finds a bird carrying a message from a group of archeologists. They travel to the archeologists’ location - a research camp in a dense forest. An archeologist explains the new quest.

The Quest:

  1. Go in a ruined temple to retrieve a stolen artifact
  2. If possible find what happened to the ten militia that were sent in one and a half weeks prior

After some questioning the party learns that the relic was stolen two weeks prior and resembles the relic they had retrieved from their last quest. With this knowledge the group sets off to the entrance of the ruined temple.

2/16/24 Ruined Loot

Loot the Ruined Temple Part 1

The group finds themselves in front of four large square pillars with statues carved into the sides facing each other. Stepping inside the temple the group begins to battle through small living statues, swinging axes, and traps. They rescue a trapped militia member, gather information, and send him safely away.

Entering the next room they find many offerings and a lever. The lever opened a secret door, revealing a living statue  that could speak. It calls itself Fracture, and the party forms a tentative alliance with it. As part of the agreement, Fracture tells the group everything it can about the temple, including where the relic is and how the party may get to it.

The next room sees the party facing a horde of living statues, but they dispatch the hostiles quickly. Then they unlock the secret entrance leading to the relic, but a living statue Fracture only calls the Big One is waiting for them…

2/23/24 Ruined Loot 2: Pull the Lever!

Loot the Ruined Temple Part 2

The Boss is revealed! A large four-armed statue, wielding a wall shield and a spear, attacks the party!

Through the power of teamwork and some epis dice rolls, the party wins! The statue collapses, crumbling to pieces…and reveals a familiar relic embedded in its center.

The party retrieves the relic, and searches the temple for the creature responsible for bringing the relic to the temple and creating so much chaos.

Instead, they find a tomb overflowing with a cared-for garden…and a secret door…

3/1/24: Give Him Life!!!

As the party searches, one member thinks back to a strange encounter with Captain Fellbane. After asking the captain about a creature in the Necrotic Zone, Fellbane reassured the member that the captain did not find any creature, or have heard of any such creature at all ever. But he would ask a few scholars about the creature that he has definitely not heard of.

The party finds a room dedicated to carving statures, and the group tries to bring back a friend named Fracture. Their success is short-lived. Outside the temple they encounter Fellbane, who informs them that the scholars have not found any texts regarding the creature the party encountered. Strangely, Fracture runs away before the party can introduce Fracture to Fellbane.

Fellbane hands the party a scroll with a request from the militia leader who requires the party’s skills, and cautions them about trusting Fracture.

3/8/24: We're On The Same Side???

The militia leader informed the party about orcs destroying villages, but they left the crops unscathed. Strange!

The party finds the orc War Chief and discover the orcs leave the crops alone as part of their plea for the gods to remove the necrotic infestation. The War Chief also reveals the necromancers are in the capital city.

3/29/24: A Charming Quest

After the Adventure With Orcs, the party is hired to find a book. Definitely a perfectly normal book that is not strange. The book just happens to be in a castle in the middle of a forest. Totally not suspicious at all.

In the forest, the party joins forces with a handsome stranger named Charming. Charming is searching for the castle belonging to a Countess, and must rescue his fair lady. He remembers the book the party is looking for – and it’s in the Countess’s castle!

In the castle they defeat constructs and magical stained glass, before resuming their quest for the book. Perhaps they should search the library next?

And the adventure continues!


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